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Curahealth Jacksonville

Curahealth Jacksonville features an interdisciplinary team approach to patient care, including:

Curahealth Jacksonville

(904) 425-0500


(904) 425-0501


(904) 425-0557

referral Fax

(972) 414-3140


4901 Richard Street
Jacksonville, FL 32207


Please visit for information on payments made to facilities for defined service bundles and procedures. The service bundle information is a non-personalized estimate of costs that may be incurred by a patient for anticipated services and that actual costs will be based on services actually provided.

Curahealth Jacksonville is not responsible for provider or health care practitioner billing. Please contact the provider or health care practitioner anticipated to provide services to the patient while admitted to the hospital regarding a personalized estimate, billing practices, and participation with your insurance provider or HMO as the they may not participate with the same health insurers or HMO as the hospital. Provider and health care practitioner contact information can be found in this Provider List.

Estimates are available upon request and fulfilled within 7 days. More detailed pricing information is available. If our estimated pricing information does not appear to cover your service, or if you feel you will have complicating factors requiring a more detailed query, you may call our representatives for a good faith estimate.

If you have a quality or safety concern, please contact us at
Curahealth Hospitals
Dial toll-free, within the United States,
Guam, Puerto Rico and Canada:
Cobalt Rehabilitation
Dial toll-free, within the United States,
Guam, Puerto Rico and Canada:
Reporting of a quality or safety concern to CIHQ can be accomplished by any of the following:
BY PHONE: (512) 661-2813  |  BY FAX: (805) 934-8588 |  ONLINE:
BY MAIL: Center for Improvement in Healthcare Quality, P.O. Box 3620, McKinney, TX 75070, Attn: Chief Executive Officer